a renowned and beloved actor working for the Jeunoan theatre "Festivus Animus". together with their troupe, they perform a variety of theatre productions for wealthy patrons: musicals, dramas, tragedies, ballets, etc. collie prides themself on being a master of disguise, able to disguise as (almost) any hume they choose to be, and they utilize this skill exceptionally well in the various characters they play.
behind closed doors, collie's love of games takes an unsavory turn: in underground circles they disguise themself as the doppelganger of an infamously lucky gambler, rumored to have an unbroken winning streak at every game she has ever played. she is a gambler so unbelievably lucky, in fact, she survived a recent murder attempt- completely unscathed...
♥ clever, confident, eager to learn, eloquent, curious, affable, charismatic, passionate, imaginative
✕ dishonest, secretive, hedonistic, self-indulgent, depressive, underhanded, escapist, irresponsible
collie is very social and loves to spend their time engaging with others. their well-mannered and pleasant act allows them to cooperate with and easily befriend a variety of people, though they usually keep most non-business relationships surface-level and at arms-length. given their line of work in acting and gambling, they can easily feign emotion and hide their true intentions- you never really know what they're thinking.
on-stage, and when playing games, they have a charisma that captivates spectators. they are passionate about playing games of all kinds across vana'diel; games both ancient and modern, games of chance, strategy, card and board games, puzzles and riddles, and the like. they are equally as passionate about appreciating art in its various forms: writing & poetry, performance and music (of course), the visual arts, etc
underneath it all, collie conceals a wily and highly driven attitude; they suffer from hedonistic tendencies in their neverending pursuit to chase a thrill. though they value maintaining a respectable image for their career and public appearance, their unhealthy habit of indulging themself makes it difficult for them to keep irresponsible behavior under wraps.
they are a massive flirt that privately enjoys having shallow and brief romantic affairs... they want all of the fun without any of the commitment. the second anything starts to get serious, they immediately get cold feet, and run off to the next potential partner to replace their old one.
eyes: steel blue /skin tone: light skinned, slightly warm in tone -
hair: chestnut brown. they tie their hair in a small ponytail on the back with an olive colored ribbon. -
body type: mesomorphic. they're fit, lithe, and fairly toned from years of acting and dancing. they are about 5'7" (170 cm) tall -
voice: a poised, confident, well-articulated tenor. their voiceclaim is light yagami (*specifically from the death note musical): voice clip 1 / voice clip 2 (the very first person singing)
collie is fastidious about maintaining a well-groomed appearance in public. they have a wealth of knowledge about historical and modern fashion trends- appropriately enough, they have no shortage of wardrobe choices from their career (or their very deep pockets).
an adventurous eater. there are few things they would turn down trying.
galkan (or liver) sausage
salmon croute
squirrel's delight (candied chestnuts)
orange kuchen
sylvan excursion (buche au chocolat)
hot chocomilk